Sunday, January 08, 2012

Finally catching up on some of the chores I neglected since we got back from Florida. Re-made the beds in the guest room, wrote and sent thank-you notes, and go a few errands run. Went to Santori's for veggies, but didn't go the eight or so miles farther to the cemetery.
Was surprised to get a phone call from my sister-in-law, Regina, from whom I haven't heart for some time. We had a nice chat and I'll call her next week about picking her up for lunch.
Other than that, I rehearsed my part and did a few other things obviously not very important, as I can't remember what they were.
This morning, son P., who can control my computer--sounds sinister--walked me through the method I need to use now to send photos from Picasa. He's a gem.

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...