Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Finally found a pair of jeans that fit at Kohl's, At least I think they fit; tried on a certain size (that I will never reveal) in a medium length. I was able to button them around the waist--a miracle--but they were too long. Got a short in the same size, but didn't try on. Will do so eventually and hope I don't have to take them back.
Otherwise, an ordinary day. Got an invitation to the February Dine Around, which I'll attend although it's the same day as our matinee performance. That should be over by 6:00. Uh, oh, it just occurred to me that Betty and her friends will probably go on Sunday. Wonder if they might want to go to the dinner as guests. Probably not, as they wouldn't want to drive home in the dark, but we'll see.
Betty will be here today and we'll go to Olive Garden.
WIDER: Anybody who can read this and then argue our government is not corrupt to the core is an jingoistic idiot:
WIDER STILL: Arthur Silber, via his usual elegant and crystal clear exposition, mentions a possible blood-curdling future slaughter:
"I will offer one far from consoling thought. This coming fall, if the presidential race appears to be very close, perhaps even with the Republican nominee enjoying a lead in the polls, it is entirely possible that the Obama administration will accelerate the timetable. In this manner, Obama and his fellow criminals will hope to ensure his reelection."
Yes, nothing thrills the American public more than further opportunities for bloodshed.
And, in case we're tempted to believe even a drop's worth of the ocean of propaganda that pours out of Washington, note this from Silber:
"Whatever the U.S. Government might claim, history should teach you one thing, if nothing else at all: the truth of the claim will not matter. The facts will not matter. The U.S. Government and its compliant media have been preparing this ground for years."
Tellingly, Silber calls this piece "The Easiest Thing In The World," referring to the simplicity of leading our airhead citizens to embrace the coming carnage.
Here's the link:

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Busy day. Got my train tickets for Encinitas on line. Finished most of my packing and tidied up a bit. After that, it was a walk to BOA to g...