Monday, January 09, 2012

Just the usual in the morning hours. Afternoon, I interviewed the R.'s for a Breeze profile. Leslie and Dennis have performed a remarkable amount of service to others over the years of their marriage, from volunteer work in South Africa to helping rebuild parts of Louisiana. They're Mennonites and two of the very few around here who are pacifists.
But--now I have to write the damn thing.
Got a phone instead of a Skype call from beauteous west coast daughter because she was at Macy's. I had tried to call her on Skype, but the program, for some reason, wouldn't let me. I hate to keep bothering P. with the computer stuff, but I may have to.
Rehearsal tonight.
Correction: P. got back to me and advised me about Skype. Also told me he hadn't showed me how to send pictures from Picasa, but from e-mail as attachments.

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