Thursday, September 15, 2011

Said goodbye to Susan, got a lot of odds and ends taken care of, took Limitless back to Blockbuster in Manahawkin. There, I saw The Adjustment Bureau, which I wanted to see when it was in theatres around here. Since nowadays (uh, oh, now I sound like an old lady), movies are only in theatres for 45 minutes, I didn't get a chance. Rented it, watched it, and now my strange desire to sit in front of a flickering screen is ebbing; took Bureau back and didn't rent another. However, both days I was given coupons for a free 99-cent movie and I chose two Alfred Hitchcock's: Rear Window and To Catch A Thief.
At the meeting the other night, I mentioned that I had bought the Moon script. (I always try to do that so I can prepare ahead for auditions; fat lot of good it did me this time.) Desi asked if he could borrow it and came over and got it.
My high school friend, Jeanne P., e-mailed me to say she'll be in Atlantic City with her boyfriend for a few days, and could I go to lunch? Hey, do I ever turn down an invitation for lunch? Hell, no, so I'll meet her--or them--at Harrah's at 1:00 today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...