Saturday, September 24, 2011

It rained and I walked my walk under an umbrella. Completed the one-act play I'll bring to the next Thespians meeting: "I Have Something To Tell You." It's a tragedy, not a comedy; guess I'll bring the funny "The Return Of Tootie," too. This is a funny one, the sequel to my first "Tootie" piece I did for the Sunrise Bay Players. Wish I could find the first one, but it's not on this computer.
Got a little more clearing out finished, plus other stuff too boring to mention. My visitor from up north came about 3:30 and we got the bookcase moved into the study closet and the table in the hall into my room. I want to rearrange other stuff, too.
Watched the rest of the video son P. sent from his an N.'s excursion to Fukushima. Beautiful area and interesting, but I wasn't crazy about the fact a typhoon was coming while they were there.
At loose ends late in the day, I took a drive here and there. I have to keep remembering it costs money to do that, but I need to get out of the house when--well, when I need to get out of the house.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...