Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pretty slow. I was amazed that the temperature has dropped so far so fast; I understand it was 41 yesterday. Went to exercise, then washed sheets and re-made the guest room beds. I really want new bedside tables in my room, so I went to Pier One Imports and other stores looking. Didn't find much.
Called Betty to tell her about my day with Jeanne. Got a call from Pat L. and we had a long chat. She invited me to go to Long Beach Island on October 1 for the annual Clam Chowder contest. Said I'd call her back on it, but I think I'll go.
Spent the rest of the day in various, low-key pursuits, reading and duplicating some of my skits and plays to take to the "Thespians" meeting in Ventnor today.
Got an e-mail from Leslie R., reminding that we're going to lunch and the produce market--either Santori's or Produce Junction--on Monday. I'm looking forward to catching up on things with Les.
WIDER: From an article in CommonDreams.Org by Phyllis Benning about all the wars the U.S. got itself in volved in after 9/11:
•Official (though undeclared) wars in and against Afghanistan and Iraq
•Official (but not really a war "because U.S. troops aren’t the ones at risk") war in Libya
•Unofficial (though sort of acknowledged) war in Pakistan
•Unacknowledged (because murder-by-drone doesn’t count as war) war in Yemen and Somalia
•Indirect and diplomatic war (through $30 billion military aid enabling Israel’s occupation and by promising another UN veto) against Palestine
•Unacknowledged and denied (through still-stealth drone campaigns) war in uncertain venues mainly in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
•Untitled (though still accurately described as the Global War on Terror) war in the whole world
•Then there’s the not-exactly-military war, like the war against the poor in the United States because of the hundreds of billions, now trillions, of tax dollars wasted on all those other wars.
Worth reading and here's the link:

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...