Friday, September 23, 2011

I don't want to continue a step-by-step chronology of my clean-up efforts. (Geez, if it bores me, what does it do to other people?) Therefore, I'll just say I finished the study closet--easy--and a few other areas. Loaded up the car with cast-offs, intending to drop them off at the Tuckerton thrift store, but it was still closed, although the sign says only "closed Tuesday and Wednesday.")
Stopped at Habitat For Humanity and was pleased to hear they'll come and get the chair I want to get rid of. I'm thinking of jettisoning a few tables, too.
Drove to Hamilton Mall and looked at end tables at a few stores. Found some possibles, but I'm not decided. Stopped at the cemetery on the way home.
Earlier, I was Skyped by P. and N., whom I had e-mailed to the effect I couldn't run the disc they sent. P. suggested I tried while he was "on." Did so and thought to ask if the shiny side should face up. shouldn't--so the problem was I had the thing upside down.
Settled down to watch their adventures in Fukushima and greatly enjoyed seeing the area, surrounded by huge mountains and beautiful forests. He mentioned the great size of the dragon flies and showed a number of serene ponds. Saw a tea house and various artifacts, as well as lovely views of the city below.
I wasn't nuts about the fact that this is where the nuclear reactors are, plus the typhoon that was threatening the area, plus the bears in the woods, which seemed pretty well deserted by people--and so on.
Will watch the rest tonight and then e-mail P. with questions.

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