Sunday, September 11, 2011

I spent part of the day writing up the interview with the G.'s--glad that's almost done. Called the "Plays and Playwrights" outfit and spoke at length with a woman named Rachel K. Geez,this group ("The Thespians," not exactly an inspired choice) sounds even more unorganized and faction-ridden than ours. Rachel indicated that the head of it is a temperamental, domineering type who arbitrarily selects those who get to do the material. (Somehow, that's sounds familiar.) This is readers' theatre, in that they don't memorize. Anyway, Rachel was very excited about the fact that I've written some things; asked me to bring copies to the Thespians meeting next Saturday, which I decided to attend. It's in the afternoon at the Ventnor Library, so I thought I'd check it out.
Picked up printer ink at Staples in Manahawkin and did a coupla other mundane chores. Stopped at the SOCH thrift shop and found an attractive green blouse I bought for a buck fifty. Threw it in the wash and wore that to dinner with the G.'s and the K.'s.
Judy K. had told me that Michael's, in Barnegat, was having a buffet--not my favorite type of meal, but I try never to turn down an invitation--that was a mere $19.99, including tip. When we got there, however, we found it was actually $32.50. It was listed with the lower price in the local papers, but "Michael," a real sleaze-bag in my estimation, insisted it was an error and the paper's fault. If he had any kind of service-sense or even good business-sense, he would have at least compromised, but no, we had to pay the full price.* I was pissed, but paid it, of course; if I had been by myself or with like-minded others, I would have walked out the door. The buffet--mediocre by any standards--was served on the breezy back porch over the water, and was accompanied by the cheapest and filmiest of foam plates and white plastic utensils.
Now, one thing that labels any repast as chintzy beyond redemption is being forced to eat with forks that bend and plates that can blow away. The tables had plastic "baskets" on them with paper-enclosed sugar, salt, and pepper. The buffet itself was reasonably adequate, with sausage, pasta, and a variety of the cheaper kind of seafood; about the best were the stuffed crabs, but unfortunately, they ran out long before we had had as many as we wanted. Of course, we brought our own bottles--usually, I prefer that--and instead of wine, I brought beer. Had to ask for a "glass," which, naturally, turned out to be plastic. For that matter, so were the wine "glasses."
Michael himself, who purportedly had been a backup singer for Elvis Presley, grabbed the microphone and sang several numbers, including "My Way," which nobody but Frankie should attempt. Michael is one of those tiresome blowhards with which the fringes of show biz seem to abound. He bragged that he intends to expand, heat the place, and open in the winter (it's seasonal now). Oh, yes, he's got big plans and I predict the place will fold within a year or two.
There was a singer/keyboard player who was okay, although too loud, but annoyingly, halfway through the evening, he insisted we all stand and sing "The Stars-Spangled Banner"--the sacred anniversary, doncha know. With poor grace, I stood with the others, but didn't sing.
Fireworks when it got dark, but this had nothing to do with Michael or Michael's--the town sponsored them. Presumably, this was another tribute to The Day Which Will Live In Infamy--oh, wait, I forgot,that's December 7, isn't it?
For all its drawbacks and annoyances, I actually enjoyed the evening for the most part. However, I will never set foot in the place again, after the crappy behavior of the proprietor, and the less-than-mediocre presentation of the so-so dinner.
NOTE: September 11--yay! It's a day of happy celebration for me, because it's the birthday of my darling daughter, Ellen!
* I'm wondering if the publicized price was actully an error of the paper's or if Michael set it up to lure customers. It would be more believable if it had been listed as $22.50 or $12.50 or some variation of $32.50. To turn that into $19.99--not so easy to do.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...