Wednesday, August 31, 2011

'Twas a full day, on which I always thrive. Met Betty and Helen for breakfast and we had a good one. Betty and I then went to the cemetery to commemorate the anniversary of her husband's death. We talked there, cried a bit, and remembered him and their son. Did the same at Pat's grave.
After we parted, I went to Canal's to stock up on wine. Home, I chopped carrots and onions, added garlic and a bit of oil, and put it in the crock pot.* Made a big salad, too, for later. Went to Manahawkin and bought a black summer shell. I have about ten shells and about the same number of black tops--what's my problem? Am I Miss Gloom and Doom? Don't think so, I just like the combo of black and white and wear a lot of it.
Met Frank next door and we went to the LETCO Executive Committee meeting. Discussed not only the upcoming (in November) Moon Over Buffalo, but other planned or possible productions: a Christmas show, The Patrick Pearse Motel, and others.
After, six of us went out for beers at Doyle's, a very agreeable restaurant that presents itself as an Irish pub. It's probably about as authentic as Disneyland, but it was great fun. I had a Blue Moon and an "Irish Nachos" appetizer (tiny potato pancakes, fried in oil with bacon), outrageously calorie-ridden, but delish. We had a ball laughing and talking, and discussing Desi's bid on an old mattress store on Route 9, which he envisions as a theatre for LETCO. His account of presenting an offer of roughly a third of the asking price was so funny.
Home about 9:30 to find Comcast out AGAIN. Used the cell to respond to a message from Pat L. She's the only one in the world I'd call at that hour unless a meteor hit the house, but I know she doesn't go to bed until the early hours and we had a good talk.
To bed late, but I slept until after 6:00 and feel good.
*Because it's of such great importance, I can't imagine how how I forgot to mention that on Tuesday, I did the crock pot thing, too: Brussels sprouts with onions, garlic, and oil. Really good.
WIDER: From Dr. Laurence Vance, one of my favorites at LewRockwell.Com:
"The purpose of the U.S. military should be limited to defending the United States, securing its borders, guarding its shores, patrolling its coasts, and enforcing a no-fly zone over its skies. Period. To do otherwise is to pervert the purpose of the military."
That's from his essay "Cursed Be Unconditioinal Obedience" and here's the link:


Jim Wetzel said...

I just read the Vance piece -- excellent, as always. "Unconditional obedience" ... whatever little bit of obedience our rulers get from us ought to be incredibly conditional. Our presumptive default response should be disobedience, since those folks are many-times-over proven murderers.

Mimi said...

Absolutely, Jim, and as you know, Dr. Vance writes on the pro-peace theme often. I've sent him e-mails of appreciation several times.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...