Sunday, August 07, 2011

Spent the morning cleaning the bathroom--wowee. Went to Acme and when I got home, had a message from up north: Would I like to join them at the lake? I declined, but soon thought better of it, suited up, and surprised them by zipping up to Crestwood (or whatever it is). Had a good hour or two with the northern person and her non-biological grandkids, L. and L. (her husband's from his earlier marriage).
Declined an invitation to go with them on a boat cruise at New Hope (PA) and went on home. Had salmon and peas for dinner, after a unexpectedly nice summer day.
WIDER: Just thought I'd throw in this from a commenter on "Common Dreams":
"We are seeing an implementation of Disaster Capitalism in the USA. The goal is the privatization of everything public. It will destroy social safety-nets and the welfare of the people at large will be returned to the pre social security era while the ruling class will amass enormous profit."
Yep, that's about right (sigh).
WIDEST OF ALL: This is the 66th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan. Was that the beginning of the slide into ever-more-fervent militarism in the U.S.? The belief is now, I understand, that it was done in order to impress on the Soviet Union U.S. might; in other words, a scare tactic. So what if thousands upon thousands of innocents were incinerated at once or poisoned to suffer and die slowly? They were the enemy, different from us, practically sub-human, in fact.
Just as Muslims are today.

1 comment:

Jim Wetzel said...

"So what if thousands upon thousands of innocents were incinerated at once or poisoned to suffer and die slowly? They were the enemy, different from us, practically sub-human, in fact.
Just as Muslims are today."

It's important to remember that the couple of hundred thousand who were nuked -- nearly all civilians -- weren't a "drawback" at all to our supervisory class. They were an important part of the motivation. Without a hell of a lot of blood, it would have been very much less fun for Truman et al. We're Americans: we loves us some killing.


Busy day. Got my train tickets for Encinitas on line. Finished most of my packing and tidied up a bit. After that, it was a walk to BOA to g...