Friday, August 12, 2011

After a wild goose chase to Galloway, I finally drove down to Long Beach Island to the Catholic store at St. Francis so I could get gifts for the boys' baptism. Got them religious medals--St. Joseph for Joel and St. Francis for T., as there is no saint with his name.
Went to the store for ingredients for my macaroni salad and started a bit of packing, although not much. Went to the beauty parlour (do they still call it that?) to get my hair cut and colored. It's so expensive I almost had to get a second mortgage to cover it, but it looks good. It's a lot shorter; I hope I can at least approximate what Leann did.
Got a nice long e-mail from friend Marge, who's still battling chronic pain, this time in her back. What a shame for her.
Picking up Leslie for lunch, then will make the macaroni salad I'm taking to the party in Wellsboro, wash, pack, and finish up odds and ends.
WIDER: Want your blood to run cold? See this, then multiply it by--I guess--dozens, maybe hundreds of other sites dedicated to keeping the populace stirred up against "the enemy." It suggests, of course, in a not-so-subtle way, the demonizing of other humans and the blood revenge for which we've become famous.
And for anaylsis, see this from good old Tom Engelhardt:
And oh, good grief, there's a KIDS' SECTION!

1 comment:

Jim Wetzel said...

"United to Protect," eh? I wonder if there's anything scarier than a big bunch of people who are all unified. United. Ready to be led. Ready to be inspired. Ready to bust into a jail and lynch somebody, is what it usually amounts to.

I'm sure, though, that there's no shortage of chowderheads who will be happy to see that site. Makes 'em feel like they're on the team! God help us.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...