Friday, February 05, 2010

Spent yesterday stocking up before the big blizzard that's expected; got bread, juice and veggies. Received an always-welcome web cam call from P. and N. in the morning. Walked without Susan, as she and Walter are in Aruba.
Went to rehearsal last night. A "Girls Night Out" had been scheduled for Saturday, but with the snow forecast, it was postponed. After a lot of discussion, it was decided that it'll be on Saturday, the 20th. That's the weekend Mike will be here, so that lets me out, I'm afraid. I'm disappointed, but it can't be helped.
I've decided to end attending rehearsals once the actors are "off book" (have their lines memorized). After that, I'll just have to accept the fact that I won't be in it, and will concentrate on trying to get a part in "Blithe Spirit," which will be staged in November.
WIDER: This from a commenter on "Truthdig.Com":
" won’t matter much if the president under whom the imperial dream and glory come to an end is a Demo or a Repub—both of the two wings of the War Party will be to blame. A plague o’ both their houses!"
Folks, them's my sentiments exactly.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...