Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Boy, oh boy, what an experience last night. All went well during the day; I was able to get my full walk in, then drive to Manahawkin to pick up a few things. Went to the library and Acme, got a welcome phone call from Pat's cousin, Joe, in Jacksonville, then ran a few more errands. No prob at all--main roads were clear and the side ones clear enough. I knew more snow was expected--you'd have to be brain dead not to--but had the idea it would start around midnight, when I'd be long asleep
Nope. Went to rehearsal (I'm going to hang in as understudy until the principals are off book) and enjoyed it. We broke up about nine and by that time, the snow was coming down heavily. It's only five miles to home--thank heavens we don't meet on Long Beach Island for this one--but it was the scariest five miles I've ever driven. The windows were already partly covered and I didn't want to wait long enough to clear them--my first mistake. I had the windshield wiper on the whole time, but the windshield kept icing up. In addition, although I had the defroster on, it kept fogging up inside. Didn't want to look for a cloth, so I just wiped it with my bare hand. Drove very slowly--I'm sure I pissed off people behind me, but I didn't care. Finally made it home in one piece, but I never want to do that again. My car is still covered with snow sitting in the garage, but it can stay covered for all I care.
Oddly and ironically, it looks as if we didn't get more than 3 or 4 inches, although 8 to 12 was predicted. Fine by me.
WIDER: The incomparable Justin Raimondo has a piece in AntiWar.Com called "How To Beat The War Party." Of course, he means the democrats. Here's just a snippet of a comment on the current state of so-called journalism:
"As the Obama administration morphs into its predecessor in many more ways than any of his progressive supporters imagined possible, the news media – which has been in the presidential pocket from the beginning – is now fully on board with his increasingly aggressive foreign policy stance. If they were subservient during the Bush era, it was mostly out of fear – fear of appearing "unpatriotic," especially in the dark days right after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Today their subservience is due to their clear political allegiance to this administration and all its works – including its wars."
So horribly true. To anybody who still believes the mainstream press is "objective," watch my eyebrow rise and my lips curl. You shrug? Then read Justin's whole essay.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Glad to hear you made it home safely, Mom. Hope you wait for the heater to defog you next time. Spring is around the corner (I hope).


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...