Sunday, February 21, 2010

Good fun yesterday. In the morning, Mike and I went to the Ventnor Museum and had a great time looking over the artifacts and seeing pictures of people I've known all my life. We chatted for some time with a volunteer who was staffing it. She's a few years younger than I am, but is also a St. James grad. We were pleased that Pat's obituary was included in a book of obits. After, we went down the beach and picked up a few shells. At Mike's suggestion, we then repaired to Atlantic City and went to Resorts Casino. He lost a few bucks, but I won #118.50--yay! Drove back to Ventnor to lunch at Sacco Subs--I had a six-million-calorie sausage with fried peppers and onions--but I'm sure I walked it off when we strolled the block to Jasildy's (?( Candy. Chose a pound and a half of the best chocolates in the universe.
Got home and the other contingent joined us. We all went down the Little Egg beach, Joelly and "T" enthusiastically throwing stones into the water. Home for dinner of pasta, chicken drumsticks in gravy (both of which I had simmering in crock pots most of the day), a green salad and rolls. Such a nice day to spend with my family.
Got an invitation from Frank and Barbara D., asking if I'd like to join them for the Redman's Lodge dinner tomorrow. Accepted with pleasure, of course.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a really great day. Keep on enjoying life! :)
(Beginning to be able to see the grass again here in Rehoboth).

Mimi said...

Grass? Is that the green stuff? All we have on the ground is white. Thanks for mentioning it, though, because it gives me hope that spring is coming. Best wishes to you, B., and S.!


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...