Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Full day yesterday. Les and I went to the breakfast at Shore Diner and greatly enjoyed it. The group, "Season For Nonviolence," presented awards to several honorees besides Norm.* SFV seems to be composed mainly of African-American church-goers and we chatted after with a number of them. Going home, I remarked to Les that I miss interaction with Black people. Where I live now, there just aren't any and I don't often see them in stores. I guess some of us have become polarized. I have, and I wonder how I can rectify that. I'm thinking about the possibility of joining something in Atlantic City, but I'm not sure what.
We didn't get home until after twelve and I had to rush a bit to get ready for my Scrabble group. That was great fun, as ever, and Barb, Pat, and Les stayed until five o'clock.
Talked to brother Jim, and Pat's nieces, Amy and Donna, to check up on SIL Therese's and BIL Bill's surgeries. Therese is home and doing fine and Bill is progressing, although slowly.
It was a good day; the only aspect I regret is the ingestion part. I had a bagel with cream cheese and two Danish at the breakfast, then cheese straws, grapes, and chocolate-covered pretzels during Scrabble. Okay, I'm going to put it behind me.
I'm looking forward to "reading" with Ellen V. at here place in Forked River today. Hope the snow that fell last night isn't going to keep me home. Looks like an inch or two--darn.
WIDER: *The honorees included NJ-R congressman Frank LoBiondo. Considering his consistent pro-war voting record and the fact that he sits on several armed forces committees, that seems about as sensible a choice as Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...