Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Finished up the guest room, reserving some things for the thrift store, tossing others. Went to the cemetery, then stopped at Smithville to go to the candy shoppe (oh yes, they had to add the "pe"). Bought chocolate-covered pretzels for our little Scrabble club today; after, stopped at Shop-Rite and Santori's.
Neighbor Leslie and I are going to attend a breakfast this morning honoring Norm Cohen, the local president and guiding light behind The Coalition For Peace And Justice, of which we're membera.
WIDER: In a long and--as usual--closely reasoned piece today in his "Empire Burlesque," Chris Floyd writes about "Obama's Wild Weekend: A Worldwide Surge In War-Mongering." Here's one of the sad-but-true part:
"These days, alas, we find that to many progressives, actions that were considered rank crimes and national shames under Bush have been magically converted into "tough choices," "necessary evils," "practical politics" or even far-seeing "11-dimensional chess" when they are committed by Obama. So the anti-war row is now a lot harder, and longer, to hoe."
Boy, ain't it da troot. That's why I've said and will said again that Obama's election was about the worse thing that could have happened to "the peace movement." So-o-o many people I know, including a slew of my "liberal" relatives, simply refuse to believe that O. and his gang are just as evil as what's-his-name, lately in the catbird seat. They're sure Obie has some grand and beneficent scheme we just can't know yet, to end the carnage and lead the middle eastern sufferers into the light.
Couldn't resist adding this, a headline from "Common Dreams":
"Peace Prize' President Submits Largest War Budget Ever"
GEEZ! Orwell wouldn't have had the guts to make it up!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...