Saturday, January 02, 2010

Went to Ojai yesterday and immediately climbed the mile-long, high-winding trail around the mountain. (Californians call it "a hill," but hey, to this native of flat and pokey Jersey, that sucker is a mountain.) I was fine most of the way when there was a fence before the sheer drop, but couldn't make the last 500 yards or so when there was nothing between me and the abyss. (I love nature, but at a distance.) Ellen was okay with that and we turned back, then went to a nice little park nearby to eat the lunches we had packed earlier.
Now for a confession from the dark side: Along the fence next to the trail and hanging over alluringly, are orange and avocado trees--hundreds of them, in fact, and abundantly fruited. Somehow, Ellen and I happened to stretch up our arms, and we got our hands tangled in the branches, and twisted our wrists around the fruit a little and two oranges and three avocados dropped right off!
Okay, we stole them, but gee, it wasn't worth it. I felt so guilty, I was compelled to take off my sweater and wrap them in it, lest other hikers see. I realize the magnitude of the crime was different, but hey, it was just as much stealing as that of the jackels on Wall Street and there's no way to pretend otherwise.
Howsomever...I ate one of the oranges for dessert at the park and it was oh, so juicy and delicious. Maybe stolen goods taste better than the kind you pay for.
Got back after 5:00 and we went to Mimi's Cafe for dinner. Had a modest meal of salmon and asparagus, then we spent an enjoyable evening watching "I Am Legend," with Will Smith. It was a million times better than the idioic "District 9," which just goes to show...well, that some movies are better than others.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...