Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yes, I saw Network yesterday on the recommendation of a blog-writer I read. Saw the whole thing on YouTube, in two parts. I was surprised that, although it was made 34 years ago, it didn't seem dated (aside from the absence of computers and wireless phones). Certainly the themes didn't: the tenacious hold television has on the public, the consistent dumbing down of same, and the stranglehold corporations retain throughout the world.
I found it interesting that Fay Dunaway got top billing, even though William Holden (looking pretty creased and haggard at 58) had a major part. Dunaway was stunningly beautiful at the time, but looked substantially different--younger, in fact--than she did in one of my faves, Chinatown, made two years before. I thought some of the actors, notably Peter Finch, went way over the top in hamminess, but he got an academy award for the role, so what do I know?
Anyhoo, I missed it the first time around, in 1976 and it was interesting to see. As for the day otherwise, the less said the better. It rained in sheets and buckets, was cloudy after that, and I lazed around a lot, my least favorite way to spend my time.


raresh dimofte said...

great movie. great acting. it's a fantastic way to wake up some people... well, all...

Raresh DiMofte said...

great movie. great acting. it's a fantastic way to wake up some people... well, all...


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...