Thursday, January 14, 2010

Back in the social whirl, went out to dinner with three couples I'm lucky enough to have as good friends. I was disappointed, though, when I had to turn down Leslie's later invitation to join her and Dennis. They had invited Frank, too, as Barb is at a funeral out of state. However, it worked out okay because after dinner at Scojo's, I was home by 7:00 and stopped over to have a glass of wine with the three of them. Greatly enjoyed talk of the big snow while I was gone (we got 19 inches) and news of neighbors; home by 8:30.
Heard from friend Vivian and we made a date for dinner next week. Friend Jack B. called and so did brother Larry. During dinner, got a call from Mary Ellen M., who just had a knee replaced and is recuperating at her condo in Philly. She's cast as M'Lynn in "Steel Magnolias," the rehearsal for which I'll attend tonight.
Earlier in the day, I cleaned out and cleared up the laundry room, leaving peppermint oil soaked cotton balls here and there. This actually seems to work, thank heavens; I checked this morning and could find no evidence of the little varmints.
WIDER: As so many Americans are doing, I donated to an organization (Partners In Health) active in helping people in Haiti. How strange and weird it is that we rush to the aid of those fellow humans, yet allow--or even applaud--the slaughter of others simply because they're labelled "enemies." Are they not our brothers and sisters, too?

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...