Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Continued in the master bath and cleared out all three drawers. It's amazing how much I have that I couldn't find, so bought more. That includes four pairs of tweezers and four toenail clippers, as well as a lot of things like bobby pins that I no longer use. Haven't finshed, but will today, along with clearing out the cabinets under th sink.
After a phone call to Comcast, I found out I can't use my new remote, and have to get a new one of theirs. Drove to their place in Manahawkin, but they were closed, presumably for MLK Day. Will go back today.
Rented "Michael Clayton" and picked up "Changeling" from the library and--unusual for me--watched them both starting in the late afternoon. First was good (although somber and cynical), but second boring. A style note: Angelina Jolie has had so much surpery on her lips, she looks like Donald Duck, especially in profile.
Enjoyed a call from brother Jim. Made lentil stew (or soup, take your choice) in the crockpot. Have Sqrabble group today and will attend rehearsal tonight.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...