Saturday, January 09, 2010

I hope nobody believes "Avatar" is an anti-war film, despite its subtle-as-a-sledge-hammer story line. It's actually one of those easy pieces where viewers can relax and are not expected to confront the hubris of our present-day military. The "enemy" are beautiful children of nature, and their way of living (bows and arrows, horse-type steeds, feathers in their hair) strongly suggests native Americanship. Because the Indian Wars are so far in the past, we can be comfortable when we recognize the U.S. invaders' murderous aggression, but our present-day hubris is a lot more dicey. If THAT were featured, it could cut into ticket sales, so keep it comfy, Cameron. As for the adventure/love story part of the movie, it was totally predictable, with the characters and story line so broadly drawn a ten-year-old could have written it.
But hey, Mikey, I liked it! The special effects were, of course, dazzling, and it was worth going just for that. The actors were okay--there was nothing challenging for them not to be okay on--and the sets and so on were in keeping.
All in all, it was worth seeing. However, when it comes to the two movies I've seen out here in the wild west, I enjoyed "Up In The Air" far more. Call me shallow--well, I'm afraid I am--but a good, cynical, present-day movie with George Clooney trumps a sci-fi film set in 2154 any day. After all, I saw "Air" twice, didn't I?
Today, my last full one in California (sob!) , we'll probably go back to Ojai for another hike up the mountains. Maybe this time, I can make it up the final, open and unfenced part of the path.
(Hmm, could that last be symbolic of something else? Nah.)

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