Saturday, January 24, 2009

High point of yesterday was a call, through Skype, from both our sons, one in Singapore, one in Tokyo. We didn't use the web cam feature--not sure how that works and I know it costs--but enjoyed a three-way conversation. After, P. called with picture, then I talked to sister Betty re the same.
Other than then, dull day.
Later: Just back from Weight Watchers. I re-gained the 1.6 pounds I had lost last week, for a current weight of 129.2 and a total of 70.4 pounds off. I'm pretty okay with that for now, but will definitely tighten up, as I want to get back to what I consider ideal weight of 125.
Wider: From
"Missiles fired from suspected US drones killed at least 15 people inside Pakistan today, the first such strikes since Barack Obama became president and a clear sign that the controversial military policy begun by George W Bush has not changed...."Since September, the US is estimated to have carried out about 30 such attacks, killing more than 220 people."
Oh, what the hell is this? Can we never have an end to the killing? I understand three children died with this latest atrocity. Maybe the blindly adoring Obamaniacs will begin to see, but I'm afraid it will take even more than this.


Jim Wetzel said...

" ... the controversial military policy begun by George W Bush has not changed ... "

Truman to Eisenhower to Kennedy to Johnson to Nixon to Ford to Carter to Reagan to Bush I to Clinton to Bush II to Obama ... and I'm not convinced that, if our sources of information didn't use the players' names and party affiliations, we'd have any way of knowing which party is currently in charge. It's almost as if the same people were perpetually driving the bus: the people of the grand post-WWII-America-as-World-Manager consensus. And here's the thing: I credit no conspiracy; I don't think the Bilderbergers or the Bavarian Illuminati or the Rosicrucians or the Skull-and-Bones-ers or the Rotarians are having secret meetings and explicitly arranging things. I don't think they have to. Everyone who matters thinks the same way, as if some kind of Hive Mind does the thinking for all of them. And the Hive's constituent bees have some molecular way of knowing who belongs and who doesn't, which is why someone like Obama, who's a different color and talks "change" incessantly, gets to be in charge when his turn comes ... while we'll never, ever, ever see a Dennis Kucinich or a Ron Paul or a Cindy Sheehan or a Mike Gravel or a Cynthia McKinney in such a position. They give off the fatal non-Hive pheromone, and are driven off with very little fuss.

Mimi said...

Too true, I'm afraid, Jim, but I can't understand why it's so EASY for them to convince the electorate. There seems so little resistance compared to the bland acceptance that it's a good and proper thing to kill people. Ir'a horrible and sad.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...