Saturday, January 03, 2009

After our walk, Susan came over to help me dismantle the Christmas tree and drag it out. We must be the only ones on the east coast who still have a live tree, judging from their scarcity at the curbs. The work went so quickly and easily with Susan helping. After we fooled around with trash bags, I got a sheet and we laid the tree on that to drag it outside. Worked fine.
The rest of the de-decorating was a chore. I got it all down, but it's now piled on the dining room table. EVERY year, I vow to get rid of some of my Christmas stuff. I did last year, but still have enough to decorate Macy's. Have decided to go through it sometime when it's warmer, as it's all stored in the garage and I can't face trying to do it now.
Other than that, the usual. Marissa, the P.T., came and I went to the store. Pat slept--again--until very late. Didn't get up until after 12:00 initially, then got up for the day only when I woke him at 2;15; I did that only because Marissa was due at 3:00.
Looking forward to a hike at Atsion Lake tomorrow; A. will come up and will also come next Sunday, when I go to a violin recital with Mary Ann Van O. and Mary S.
Wider: This, from Arthur Silber's blog, "Once Upon A Time," crystallizes the sad realization that the president-elect is not substantially different from Bush--and all the other death-dealing pols:
"Obama has passed his first test with flying colors. He's made himself disappear so Israel can continue its killing spree in Gaza...What a relief it must be for his critics at AIPAC and the far-right think tanks to know that the next Commander in Chief will be every bit as compliant as the last. That's 'continuity they can believe in.'"
Later: Lost 1.4 pounds for a total of 71 pounds even and a current weight of 128.6. I want to get back down to 125 and am confident I will.


Anonymous said...

Lost 1.4 pounds for a total of 71 pounds even and a current weight of 128.6.

Wow! Congratulations

Mimi said...

Thanks, cemmcs. I eat lots of veggies and I'm active--only things that work.
BTW, "cemmcs" obviously stands for something, but what? Is your last name McSorley? And your first--well, I don't know, can't think of anything that starts with "cem" unless it's short for "Carl Emery Mark."

Anonymous said...

You're pretty close. Those are my initials and my last name begins McS. Care to guess my weight?

p.s. I quit smoking a little over ten years ago.

Mimi said...

Ah ha! I quit 22 years ago and my husband five years longer than that. Unfortunately, in his case, the damage was done,which is why he's so ill now.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear he's not doing well. Take care.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...