Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Five years and four months ago, we made one of the biggest moves of our lives--here to Sunrise Bay. Aside from our marital one--and the jury's still out on that--it was probably our best decision ever. It snowed yesterday, and not just a dusting. The service doesn't clear it if it's under a certain number of inches and this was, barely. Well, our close neighbors and friends, Frank and Ray, shoveled our walk, driveway, and entrance, then stopped in to josh Pat about the Eagles loss. What a great place we landed and how glad I am we're here!
While the guys were here, I asked both if they'd consent to be one of the "contacts" on the medical alert device Pat will have and they both instantly agreed. Hey, we do some things right.
"Doctor Mark" came, as promised, a little after 8 am. He examined Pat right in bed, spoke to him warmly, slightly adjusted his insulin, and was generally kind, friendly, and down-to earth. In addition--an essential trait for a doctor, it seems to me--he's gorgeous! Talk about eye candy--hey, if I were the patient, I'd want to stay sick.
I didn't go out at all yesterday. Called Susan to tell her I'd skip our walk--just as well, in the snow--to prepare for the doctor. I made butterscotch pudding and did this and that all day. Pat didn't get up for breakfast until noon, then went back and by the time he was washed, dressed, and ready for his tea in the living room, it was 4:30. This seems to be the pattern he's following now and I can live with it--not that I have a whole heckuva lot of choice.
Nothing on the calendar today, but tomorrow, the medical alert rep comes and I go to my first acting class in the evening.
Wider: Lest you think I've mellowed, think again. From "The Peaceful Transfer of Violent Power" on The Future of Freedom Foundation site, here's some of Sheldon Richman's take on the bizarre "American Idol"- type interest in today's extravaganza in D.C.:
"We might wonder why inaugurations aren’t more sober affairs. Why all the hoopla? The answer is simple. Government is a horrendous and exploitative imposition on most of us. From the rulers’ perspective, there is always the danger that we may figure this out and refuse to go along. Hence the need for regular propaganda spectacles to reinforce the myth that we are the government."
But it should be read in its entirety at:

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