Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cold, cold, bitterly cold. Managed to pick up two prescriptions for myself in Manahawkin, but aside from that and our morning walk, didn't venture outside. Pat slept until noon, had breakfast, then went back to bed until 3:30. By the time he was dressed and in the living room, it was almost 5:00. This is how his pattern has been for the past few weeks. It means he skips lunch, although I give him a cup of tea and a snack when he's finally settled in.
At 3:20 this morning, I awoke to his agitation. He had dropped his "rescue" inhaler--which is supposed to be used only in extreme circumstances, but he uses it every 20 minutes or so. I found it and was able to go right back to sleep.
Had a cam call from darling Vivian in the evening. She's so pretty and bright and lively--somewhat willful at times, but that just shows her spirit. Dear little Violet made an appearance, too. Vivian was planning meeting her friend, Anya, to play tennis. (Sounds like twentyish-something, doesn't it?)
The opera session is today and I have coverage, but I'm not anxious to go. I think this is the last time I'll be able to attend, anyway. Doctor is due to come tomorrow and I've got a slew of questions to ask and things to discuss--none of them pleasant.
Wider: From Chris Floyd at "Empire Burlesque":
"America's top officials -- including the president and vice president -- openly admit to ordering torture...and they are praised for it, even held up as shining examples for future leaders to follow. Vast swathes of the corporate media labor mightily to justify the ancient evil of the water torture, and other "high-end interrogation techniques," to use the diabolical terminology of CIA Director Michael Hayden. The escalation of the on-going American war crime in Iraq -- the so-called "surge" -- is lauded as a "success beyond our wildest dreams" by the new, "progressive" manager of the empire, Barack Obama. (Imagine calling an action that allowed a known serial killer to extend his spree for years into the future a wild, dreamy "success.") Citizens of the "liberal democracy" in Israel -- the "light unto the nations" -- gather in safety and comfort on open hillsides to watch, cheering, as bombs fall on the trapped and helpless civilians penned in the Gaza ghetto. These macabre celebrations are echoed across America, where bitter partisan foes put aside their differences to come together in their unstinting, uncritical support of child murder across the sea."
Hope for the future? A change for the better? Dream on.

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...