Went to Wal-Mart in Manahawkin to get my BP prescription filled, as I thought Altace was under their $4 per plan. It isn't. I was first told it would be $50--AAGH! However, the clerk had forgotten to add my insurance, and it turned out to be an even ten bucks.
Otherwise, did wash, assisted Pat in getting up and readying himself for the day, and otherwise kept busy. Talked to Julie L. on the phone. Frank D. came over after dinner to congratulate Pat on the Phillies winning the major league playoff (or whatever it is).
Nation of Sheep Dept.: Drinking water straight out of the tap is now being touted as patriotic, as the bottled stuff adds to energy and landfill problems. I'm sure that hordes will switch over. It may finally be dawning on the ever-gullible public that the whole bottled thing was a complete and utter sham to extract more dollars from them.
Well, guess what? I always drank water from the tap, even--gasp!--in California. It's true that the left coast's water didn't taste so hot and was a little cloudy, but so what? All the propaganda about how tap water is "dangerous" struck me as ridiculous. If it was "dangerous," where were all the people cluttering up the emergency rooms or growing extra fingers or something who were affected? What illnesses or problems arose because of tap water? Fer cryin' out loud, if municipalities were so irresponsible as to allow unsafe water, wouldn't that be a public scandal almost as horrifying as Palin's candidacy?
Now--guess what? Tap water is not only okay to drink, we're told it's downright patriotic to drink it. Therefore, the mindless and clueless will abandon their Evian (and what they smugly believed was high-mindedness) and switch back to the faucet. They could have ignored the media outcry--orchestrated by the companies that profited--and been drinking what they've got in their kitchens all along. However, that would have required a millisecond of thought considering the above and I guess that's too much to ask.
Friday, October 17, 2008
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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...
Had a delightful lunch with my new (Wellspouse) friend, Mary L. yesterday. No problem getting to TGI Friday's in Toms River--in fact, ...
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