Monday, October 06, 2008

Ray stopped in to say hello to Pat yesterday and while we were talking in the kitchen, a mouse ran across the room. That galvanized me to clean out the pantry. I threw away so much, I'm going to have to put trash in somebody else's container before it's picked up tomorrow. I filled a box for the Food Pantry, too; will give to Leslie or drop off myself.
I was concerned because Pat didn't eat dinner. However, he did ask for, and finish, a pb and j sandwich and glass of milk later. Yesterday, I served him both lunch and the sandwich in the living room, as it's so difficult for him to walk even a few steps.
From Alan Bock at, commenting on the candidates of both parties:
"To keep this as understated as possible, these are not outstanding people. They are seeking to occupy (or be a heartbeat away from) an office that for the past seven-plus years has been held by a not unintelligent but certainly uninquisitive man who, with that special kind of arrogance born of unapologetic ignorance and a fixation on a few dubious verities, has plunged the country into a disastrous war and now into an eminently avoidable financial crisis that almost all the politicians and talking heads have diagnosed incorrectly.
Can there be much doubt that this is an empire in steep decline? People of real quality not only do not gravitate toward political leadership, they scurry away from it."
Depressing, but it seems sensible.
Now here's something that isn't just depressing, but makes you want to stick a skewer into your eye (from the Lew Rockwell site on our invasion of Iraq):
"It was the US that turned this country into a killing field. Why won't we face this? Why won't we take responsibility? The reason has to do with this mysterious thing called nationalism, which makes an ideological religion of the nation's wars. We are god-like liberators. They are devil-like terrorists. No amount of data or contrary information seems to make a dent in this irreligious faith. So it is in every country and in all times. Here is the intellectual blindness that war generates."

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...