Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Another so-called "Presidential Debate" is on tonight. I'll be sure to miss it, of course, but will read about it tomorrow.
I believe we have now dumbed ourselves down enough to base our votes on the most superficial of criteria. We've sunk into celebrity-hood. Whoever looks better and sounds better and "relates" to us better is our choice. Therefore, these "debates" become more and more important as our ability to read, analyze, and judge wanes.
This sad--and frightening--situation somehow reminds me of the "No Child Left Behind" swindle. Sounds good, doesn't it? Yet the result seems to have been the waste of vast amounts of time and effort by all involved. Teachers must "teach to the test" more and more and true knowledge and critical thinking are sacrificed. This nicely sets future voters up to ignore what the candidates really stand for, that is, if anybody can ferret it out--McPalin touted as "mavericks" and agents for change! If one weren't female, I'd say they had brass balls. Black is White, Truth is Falsehood, and oh, yes, War is Peace.
I like my country less and less as we promote appearance over substance and Orwell spins in his grave.

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