Sunday, October 12, 2008

After getting lost in the wilds of north Jersey, I got to the caregivers' conference about 11:00. Was pleased to see Donna McQ., who was staffing the Wellspouse exhibit. Met some nice people, had a scrumptious lunch, which included chicken with mushroom sauce, pasta, spring mix salad, and petit fours. I ate six of these little cakes, along with two helpings of almost everything else. Am not worried about my weight, as I over-indulge only on special occasions like this when I'm out. To compensate, I had only a bowl of eggplant casserole (almost no-calorie) when I got home.
Getting home wasn't easy. Took the long route via Lawrenceville, as it was easier than the complicated way Mapquest sent me. But a few miles south of Warren Grove, I ran into (not literally) a horrendous accident and the road was blocked. After sitting for about 20 minutes, heard from the police officer that it would be at least another hour to clear things, so I drove back to Route 72 and got the parkway home, adding another 45 minutes or so to my trip.
Things were okay at home. A. went to the store for me and we had a quick dinner. Made cubed steak and stewed tomatoes for Pat and A. and I ate with him in the living room.
Love this little nugget from a comment on the "Truth Dig" site:
"McCain was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and married a silver shovel."

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...