Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Yesterday was jam-packed. Got to the hike site--"Smithville Park" in Mt. Holly, 43 miles away--at 9:45 to find only a handful of other hikers. We were puzzled as to the whereabouts of the the leaders, Norm and Bill. Lynn, with whom I've walked before, said she had seen another parking lot about a mile down the road and we all walked there, but no luck, so walked back.
Finally, a guy named Walt said he'd lead us on another trail, and we followed him. After about a half-mile, though, we were happy to meet the rest of the group--there were probably 40 of us all together--and joined them. It seems there are several parking lots at Smithville and the leaders hadn't been completely clear about the right one.
But all was forgotten once we fell in with the others. What a gorgeous day and glorious walk! We hiked well-established trails through towering woods, deep ravines, steps cut into the hills, "floating" bridges (actually, wooden walkways extending a hundred feet or so across a big lake), and broad fields. It covered 5 miles, but we who were at the wrong parking lot probably walked a total of about 7. I was invited to join three other women (two of whom I had met on previous hikes) for lunch at the Saladworks nearby, but thought I'd better get home and reluctantly declined.
Didn't get in until after 2:00. Pat was at the bay (I had left his lunch) and I had several phone calls to make, so didn't eat until almost 3:00. Jumped in the shower, gathered clothes for Betty to try on and laid them out in the guest room, then made dinner.
By that time, I had to get ready for the Scholarship Awards gathering at Pinelands Regional H.S. Our Women's Club gives a $500 scholarship and I'm chair, so I presented. It was long, but interesting, starting at 6:30 and ending after 8:00.
After returning Alison's call, washing off my makeup, and getting in my nightie, I just had time for my w. and p. before turning in.
Invited Betty and her friend, Sue M., to come over today and I'll either provide lunch or we'll go out. Betty can then try on clothes and take the ones she wants away with her.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...