Monday, June 09, 2008

I was pleased that the hike site at Bass River was only 15 minutes away and I got there early. Hey, it was HOT, even for me (and I love that kind of weather), which was probably why there were only five of us, including the leaders. We went about five miles, then I turned back (accompanied by a nice guy named Jack, who's familiar with that stretch of forest), as I hadn't brought lunch and the others were going to eat "out" (in the woods, that is).
Got home for salad and broccoli, Pat went to the bay, and I put on my suit and headed for the pool. Oh, so very, very nice! Susan was there, as well as Ray, Dennis, Julie and Gary, and others--the conversation was pleasant and the cool, clean water just felt great. Stayed an hour or so, then went home to shower, change, and make Pat's dinner.
Walked down to Dennis' and Leslie's shortly before 6:00 and we went off the Atlantic City Surf baseball game. Ray, Barbara, and Barb's sister, Pat, met us there. Had an incredibly delicious hot dog and beer, which I consider absolutely mandatory at a baseball game. The Surf, I'm afraid, played badly--well, come to think of it, so did their opponents. We left after the seventh inning with the score--I think--10 to 8, hardly a pitching duel. The only negative was that I didn't get to bed until almost midnight and got up before 5:00, so am a bit sleep-deprived.
Yesterday was a neat one, and more are coming up. Alison e-mailed to invite me to Joely's kindergarten graduation on Wednesday evening. I'm going to the Cole Porter program at Georgian Court during the day, but hope to be back in time. Plenty to do to tie up loose ends for the party; today, I'll order the food at The Grapevine and Acme.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

I have to have a hotdog at a ballpark. I bet it was delicious and made up for the poor game.

I wanted to go to Georgian Court after going there for some HSHS school activity, however nursing school was more in line with family finances. Ah....the road not taken....


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...