Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ran down to Manahawkin to get a birthday present for Joely and duplicate old Rosborough Avenue pictures for Dee. Cleared the rest of the party stuff off the guest room beds and put them away. Other than that, just moseyed around with the usual chores.
Alison called after dinner. They love Lake Placid, as it's an athlete-oriented town. They bought "Olympic tickets" to watch the training. These are for winter sports and I was amazed when she told me the high-jump skiers go down the slide, then, in the absence of snow, end in water. She and Mike watched figure-skating (and a horse show--not in the Olympics, of course) yesterday. They also ran 13 miles along a road with signs that said "Be Careful of Runners." Said she had never seen that or so many runners together before. It's their kind of place! Incidentally, that mountain climb of 14 miles she mentioned last time was up and down "Mt. Marsey," the highest point in New York.
I was pleased when Jen called to ask if I'd baby-sit Tristan today while she and a friend take Joely fishing. Will leave Pat's lunch and take off for their place about 10:00. Looking forward to hanging out with the almost-one-year-old.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...