Sunday, June 15, 2008

The scab on Pat's arm tore off during his after-breakfast nap yesterday and the blood left big stains on the sheets, pillowcase, and mattress cover. Luckily, I had bought a waterproof cover a few months ago. It has comfortable padding on the "up" side, and is vinyl on the other, so protected the mattress. The problem is, it's hard to wash, as the cloth part soaks up water and doesn't get spun out. I meant to take it to the Laundromat (it's king-sized), but put it in the washer at home and now have it draped over a chair in the garage--it may dry by 2010.
I'm bringing a salad to Alison's, so stopped at Acme to get more lettuce. Went to Bed 'N' Bath to look at mattress covers and was stunned to see the prices: eighty bucks and up, so I left them in the store. Later, I used a cut-down dining room table undercloth: vinyl on one side, flannel and the other and it's okay until the other one dries.
Went to Kohl's to try to get a pool cover-up; didn't, but bought a pair of slim black pants in size--good grief--6 petite, and two more belts.
It was after 3:00 by the time I got home and I impulsively put on my new swimsuit and went to the pool. Was surprised that there were only a handful of people there, and more surprised that I knew none, Took a refreshing swim and got home just as Pat pulled in.
Wrapped the Father's Day gifts for Pat, Mike, and Joel. Will pick Betty up at 11:00, then leave for Cream Ridge about 3:00. Betty hasn't seen the addition; I know she'll love it.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...