Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Leaving Pat's lunch, I zipped over to Macy's at Hamilton Mall to get an outfit for the party and a beach cover-up. Got shirts for Father's Day for Pat, Mike, and Joel and spent a few hours trying on clothes. Didn't see anything I want to wear to the party, and deviated into casual stuff, something I swore not to do. Bought a pair of Tommy Hilfiger jeans in green and a rosy polka-dotted shirt. I don't need either, but just liked them, silly me. Also spent time trying on bathing suits and got a one-piece. Didn't get either of the things I came for, dang it. Will have to look elsewhere.
Had called Betty earlier and went down to meet her for lunch. We ate at the little Johnnie's around the corner from her. Funny story: I had mentioned how good their "Oriental salad" is, describing it as containing tuna tartare, and Betty ordered it. When it came, she remarked, "Gee, this tuna doesn't even looked cooked." But that's what tuna tartare is: fresh tuna seared on the outside, raw in. I had it in Hawaii (and one time since) and loved it. We had a good laugh about it--just as well she didn't complain to the proprietor--and Betty ate most, but wasn't crazy about it. We went back to her place and I called Janie M., who had asked if I wanted to borrow her wheelchair for the party. We went to Margate to her house--she and Chaz have lived there 46 years--chatted for a while and loaded the chair into the truck. I want to have it on hand for Pat at the party, although I'd be willing to bet he'll refuse it.
As I was leaving, George W. rode up on his bike and the three of us chatted for a few minutes. He mentioned that he had taken Pat McH. R. to the senior prom at the request of his sister, Lois, Pat's best friend. George was interested in hearing Pat was at our place for lunch last summer and that I'm in touch with her through our blogs. (Maybe he's been pining away for Patty all these years after he had to settle for Miss A.C. runner-up, Marilyn--?)
Said goodbye to Betty after we made plans to have her come to Alison's for Father's Day on Sunday. I'll pick her up, and she'll stay overnight, then will take her home on Monday.
Alison called after dinner. I'll leave to go up there about 5:00 for Joely's kindergarten graduation. Hope and assume I'll be back in the late afternoon from the Georgian Court/Cole Porter excursion. Am going with Mary Ann Van O., who will pick me up this morning about 9:15.


iloveac said...

At least Betty was brave enough to eat the tuna. Not moi. Isn't there some kind of beef dish that's also 'tartare'? I know I've seen it on the menu and skipped right over that one.

Georgie was so sweet and I felt like Cinderella ....I had the best date at the prom....a Villanova guy while all those other girls were with high school boys.

Mimi said...

Steak tartare has been around a long time. Actually, I like my hamburgers seared on the outside and VERY rare on the inside. Yes, George is still a sweet guy--and lucky you as his date! Now I must know: any kiss(es) that night?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...