Saturday, September 01, 2007

It took an age to get to Mainland Heart Consultants yesterday, since everybody in twelve states was determined to take the parkway to the shore.
Nothing new or notable going on with Pat's heart. He saw the nurse practitioner, a tiny tot of twenty-something, who innocently noted he was due for a stress test. A stress test? We looked at her, me (I could feel it)with my eyebrow raised. She assured us it would be just a chemical test--"You wouldn't have to walk the treadmill." Finally, she noted that maybe with his respiratory condition, it wasn't the best idea since multi-grain bread. Even I, medical moron that I am, thought this was a fine example of either ignorance or failure to read a folder. Of course, she also asked brightly--they all do, or a variation thereof--"Are you still short of breath?" She's looking at a man attached to an oxygen tank, gasping for air after walking ten feet!
Yes, yes, it's her job and she meant well. I don't give a damn: a pox on all their houses.
Made the lemon squares for tonight's dinner on Long Beach Island and, if I say it myself, they look superb. They're a little sticky, so I'll put them in the refrig until I go to meet Alison and Mike in Manahawkin.
On the social scene, Barb D. called to invite us to a dominoes party on Sunday (tomorrow)--hurray! Our group used to meet every six weeks or so for dominoes, but we haven't for about a year. Long story I won't go into, but suffice it to say, there was a (silent) falling out with two of the couples (not us). Anyway, I'm so pleased and what's best, Pat will be able to go, too, as it's right next door.
Colored my hair last night and I decided it was the last time I'd do it myself. Somehow, as I was pouring it on--my head--the top came off the container and I got dye all over the place. Thought I had gotten it all up, but later saw there's a big blotch on the curtain. Yeah, I'll bite the bullet and have it done at the hairdresser's from now on, more expensive though it is.


iloveac said...

Rosemary, I can't (don't want to) believe she was a nurse practitioner....perhaps she was blind.....they have to hire all kinds of people now. I'd have said something for sure.

Dominoes will be fun and great that you both can go. I'd never played til my friend had a game called 'Magic train'...I think it's a kind of dominoes. It was lots of fun and very competetive.

Have you ever played 'Bonko, aka 'Bunco'. Also great fun with neighbors. A few yrs ago we played and then a couple of the ladies had a falling out and that was the end. No guys played. We had prizes...I won a neat gift for the lowest score one time.

Stop talking about those lemon squares please, my mouth is watering.

Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary, that was a real bummer having the top come off your hair color. If your color comes out fine why go to a hairdresser, just check the lid of the container more carefully. Don't know if I'd want to pay 90.00 for color.

Mimi said...

Aagh! Ninety dollars?!? I thought my hairdresser said fifty-three. Will check and find out.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...