Friday, September 21, 2007

After WW, ate a quick breakfast at 11:00 (I know it's silly not to eat first, but I got in the habit of waiting eons ago), then took my car to get the oil changed. Nick also discovered that the dash light going on just indicated a problem gas tank cap, replaced it for less than $20 and I went on my way.
After lunch, drove to Santori's and got lettuce, broccoli, and a bunch of other goodies, then called Betty. We made a date to go to lunch on Monday; later, she called to say niece Joan and her Jim are coming down on Saturday, so did I want to meet them down there? Yes, I did and do , as I haven't seen J and J since other niece's wedding in May. Incidently, Joan and Jim are the parents of grown sons, Joey and Jeremy. Until August 2, we thought our Joel, Jen, and Joely would be the second all-J. family in the--well, family. However, Tristan roundly announced his name and that was the end of that.
What's going on with the Wellspouse Respite Weekend is that I'm skipping the idea of going for the whole time. I'll just go for the day on Saturday, the 29th. The next day, Sunday, Alison and Mike volunteered to come down and will take out some bushes and help me get the front in shape. This will work out better, anyway--less of a hassle than trying to get away for the whole weekend, plus the place will get spruced up, plus Pat will have a chance to see A. and M.
Got a message from Wellspouse friend, Vivian, and we're going to meet for dinner on Tuesday. I'm anxious to see her as we always have a lot to talk about. Same with dear friend, Marge, who's been under the weather lately, but we're trying to make a date for lunch.
Talked to my co-chair, Amy, about the Tricky Tray we'll put on during the October meeting. I made up a flyer and we'll "stuff" the community newletter next Friday.
Fall coming on fast now. This is always a melancholy, but strangly satisfying time for me. I love summer best, but of course, as with everybody else, the change of seasons is a source of pleasure, too. Just wish summer and winter were reversed in how long they last. Should I move to Austrailia?

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...