Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The good times keep on rollin': Went to Betty's niece's yesterday for the birthday party for Steve--they have a wonderful property in Galloway with a huge screen-in porch and big backyard--and had a great time. All Betty's visiting kids and grandkids were there, of course, as well as Dorothy's husband and children, and her brothers and THEIR children, plus assorted others, so it was a big party.
I did overindulge in the chicken kabobs, hot dogs, potato salad, etc., plus had a piece of the birthday cake and--yes--a couple of beers. Will eat very, very lightly the next two days to compensate.
Pat's buddy, Ray, picked him up for lunch, so I didn't feel quite as guilty leaving him frozen dinners two days in a row; hubby then went to the bay, as usual.
When Betty got to Dorothy's, she was carrying a big gift bag that I thought was for Stephen. "Nope," she said, "It's for you--just because you've been so nice." Great--I love presents and I pulled it out on the spot.
Wow-ee! It's a throw--we use them a lot--but a very, very special one, as it has St. James Church and School pictured on it, and it marks the dates they were founded or built--it's GREAT! Pat was thrilled with it, too, because, of course, he's also a grad. In fact, not only both of us, but all our siblings--13 members of the Molloy and Byrne families--graduated from there. What a terrific gift!
Today should be quiet and I hope to get a few chores done. Tomorrow, I meet Lynne for lunch in Delaware--a long drive, but worth it to see my friend.


Dee's Blog said...

Your getting to be quite the party girl Rosemary. You have quite a family and your right about being lucky to belong to your family.
Is Betty staying in Ventor for the rest of the year or is she going back to CA? That was a beautiful gift, what a treasure to have with St James picture to remember it by.
Don't worry about over indulging at the party, I'm sure you will compensate for the rest of the week

Mimi said...

Betty is staying until the end of September, Dee. She wants to get winter renters for her house after that.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...