Sunday, June 17, 2007

This whole caregiver business is getting to be a drag--especially when there isn't the slightest hint from the care receiver that he notices, let alone appreciates, the care.
Yeah, it was a bad day. Pat asked me to ask Barb H., who's an R.N., to remove his stitches. Long story I won't go into, but she said she would, and she and Ray came over, Ray just to visit. It turned out the stitches have become embedded and she couldn't get them out. I called the doctor's office but, of course, they're only open in the morning on Saturdays. I left a message asking what we should do now and haven't heard back from them.
When the H.'s were here, I mentioned that I could have gotten the stitches out myself if they weren't embedded, and Pat made a cutting remark about that in front of our friends. I stormed out after they left, went to the supermarket, and we've barely spoken since.
Today, Alison and family are coming for Father's Day. I was looking forward to that, but this really puts a damper on it.
What a shitty life.


Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary there is nothiing worse then cutting words. They hurt worse then a knife in the back. I'm sure Pat did not mean what he said. Does he know how much he hurt you?
Enjoy your day with Allison and Mike and just forgive Pat.

EBJ said...

I will be thinking of you this Father's Day.


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...