Saturday, June 16, 2007

Pat about the same. I often think there's a marginal improvement late in the day, but that could be an example of magical thinking. (If you haven't yet read Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking, make a note to do so. It's a harrowing, but enthralling, account of her husband's death--and other absorbing topics.)
We got calls yesterday from these people we're privileged to know: Pat's niece, Donna, and brother and SIL, Bill and Regina; Alison and Mike; sibs Betty, Jim, and Frank; friends Marge and Barb H., and the nurse at the dermatology office. Okay, scratch the last as one as "we're privileged...."
When Mike called, he talked to Pat and me, then put Vivacious Vivian on. She said she was eating "a cupcake for breakfast." A cupcake for breakfast doesn't sound too healthy to me, but Mommy explained it was a muffin. Vivian informed me that she plays with her friends Maya and Alexander and she again slept in the big bed. I mentioned that she'll be three years old the end of next month and this elicited nothing but silence. Mike came back on and said she was now absorbed with a roll of duct tape and was finished with talking on the phone.
Also got e-mails of concern from Ellen (she'll call tomorrow); friends from HSHS, Joe and Flo; Pat's cousin Joe D. and Dot; and several others.
Because Pat couldn't get to the dermatologist office to get his stitches out, I'm going to remove them. Barb H., who's an R.N., said she'd come over for the procedure--and will do it herself if I want her to. I might ask her, although I have no trepidation in doing it myself. I also consulted Nurse Betty.
Was able to get to the supermarket yesterday for a half hour, and to take my evening "clear my head, divert my stomach" drive after dinner. I just don't want to go very far, so I regretfully skipped the baseball game I was supposed to go to last night with Leslie and Dennis, and Ray and Barb. I know I would have been uneasy being 40 minutes away at the Atlantic City Surf stadium, but I missed being with my friends and felt left out for a time. Then I just shrugged--remembering it goes with the territory--and put the popcorn in.

1 comment:

Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary I am so glad that Pat is doing better. If you can see marginal improvement then it must be there. You have so many wonderful friends and relative that keep up your spirits.
Don't you just love children of vivian's age, the interest they have in a roll of duct tape. They are so honest and pure they will tell you the truth whether you want it or not, then come and kiss the hurt away.


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...