Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pat has improved. Remember, that's a relative term; it doesn't mean he's okay or even back to the not-so-okay that's usual for him, but he's better than he had been. Also, he ate his regular breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus our usual popcorn at night, so his appetite is still there.
The doctor finally called back in the afternoon. She prescribed an antibiotic and a steroid, plus told me to to increase the diuretic (based on his slight ankle swelling). We decided together to skip the last, as he already had the diuretic increased to three, and his ankles are only slightly swollen. I was aghast at the price of the antibiotic: $99 for ten pills! Even I can figure out that's $10 a pill, but I know from last time it's a new med and it worked before. Luckily, he already had a fair amount of the steroid, Prednisone, so I didn't get that. That has to be taken in diminishing doses, as I knew. (Yes, we've gone through this identical situation before; it's the nature of the beast called emphysema.)
Pat was unable to dress himself yesterday very easily, so I did. I'm going to draw a veil (as the old novelists used to write) over the more earthy aspects of his illness, but I did a lot of cleaning up. No biggie, it just goes with the territory. (I can't seem to resist quoting published works! The last, which should be in quotes, comes from Death of a Salesman.)
Alison called for updates three times from work and after I heard from the doctor, I called her. She's in a supervisory training program, mandatory because she now supervises six people. A. just forwarded me a letter from the New York Marathon officials; unfortunately, she wasn't chosen in the lottery y0u have to enter for a chance to run. Not sure if Mike got in or not. (Geez, after the Boston, you'd think they'd just rest on their laurels, but no-o-0, not these crazies.)
Aside from picking up the meds, stayed in most of the day, of course. However, because Pat had improved, I went over to a (nearby) funeral home in the early evening to pay my respects at a wake for the husband of an acquaintance. Met Dennis and Leslie going in; the guy was in the Sunrise Bay Fishing Club with him.
Because I wasn't out running errands, I had time to print out my cousin, Marifran's, entire book Up From Chaos, an account of her life starting with her childhood with a deranged and abusive mother. She had shared most of it with me some time ago. It's a harrowing, but absolutely enthralling story.
I skipped our walk yesterday and today, and think I should wait 'til tomorrow to resume. Friend and walking partner Susan was very concerned and asked how she could help.
Betty called twice to see how Pat's doing. I talked to brother Larry, too, who's visiting her. It's wonderful to have such caring sibs even in addition to the children. Of course, friends are great, too--thanks to everybody who checked in.
Betty and I both said we'd like to do what Larry's doing: travel the country wherever our interest takes us. B. said Larry had contracted to deliver a car from Florida, where he lives, to Arizona. He's heading to Vegas today, then to the last leg of his journey, then will fly home to Miami.
June is a crowded month for all of us, I guess. Larry and Helen's anniversary was on the 9th, ours the 21st (49 years!), Jay's birthday was yesterday, and Patrick and Joely's birthdays are the 28th. Father's Day is tucked in there, too--Alison and Mike will come here, and naturally, we'll invite J., J., J., and Baby Boop, too.


iloveac said...

Pat's unwell.....gets a little quote 'Death of a Saleman'....then trek off to a Funeral Home. How about a funny movie next time. You gave me quite a chuckle with your free flowing style. Love it.

You don't miss a thing when you go somewhere. You and I could be at the same function and I'd miss half of the surroundings. Guess that's why you are such a good writer.

After working a year at AC Hospital three of us took off for CA...driving cross country...stopping wherever. It was a wonderful sense of freedom. We stayed in SF for a yr and then drove back East. I came with Nancy Jane O'D ....MaryLou W and Diane K....Betty remembers them. They'd stopped to visit us in SF.

My roommate Nancy K (worked Peds with Betty) came back a month earlier on the BUS....she had such swollen legs.
Both trips out and back were highlights of my life.

Rich and I would often fly to places such as Portland,OR or El Paso, a car and drive whereever. It was fun and something you and Betty will enjoy.

Mimi said...

Your trip across country sounds WONDERFUL, Pat! What I'd like to do someday is exactly that: Head across country for California, but by way of the south. I want to see Helen Keller's birthplace in Alabama and Thomas Wolfe's in North Carolina (but his homestead was burnt to the ground several years ago by a drifter), Kitty Hawk, my brother and family in Miami, Hemingway's place in Key West, and...and...and...

Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary you have such a wonderful and caring family. You are such a caring wife to Pat, which comes out of love. I know a lot of women who would do the same thing but complain about it later. You take everything as a matter of fact. I know you don't want to hear this but I do believe your good works will be rewarded.
So glad that Pat is holding his own. I know the price of drugs are out of sight. I do not know how people without a prescription plan do it. Massachusetts just passed a bill that it is mandatory for everyone have medical Ins. I have no idea of how they plan to enforce it.
Do remember that I'll keep Pat in my prayers

Dee's Blog said...

Good news on Pat and congrat on the weight lose.


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...