Saturday, June 23, 2007

Enjoyed dinner last night with Marge. As I suppose happens everywhere, people flock to a newly-opened restaurant and we saw four of our Sunrise Bay neighbors. I wasn't terribly hungry and had what I usually order out for lunch: Caesar salad with grilled chicken. Now I'm annoyed with myself that I didn't have a regular dinner with chicken or fish, but for some reason, didn't feel like it.
Earlier in the day, I went to the nursery and bought the annuals Susan so graciously offered to plant. For the front, I chose dianthus and tall, spiky flowers (don't remember what they're called), and will add the zinnias Pat got me. Couldn't resist a sunflower, too--I love their big, splashy color and shape--to put in next to the garage. Must also get in the ground the yellow miniature roses Mike sent for Mother's Day and the lavender eccentric neighbor Anne Mary gave me. Spent some time preparing, by pulling weeds and trimming plants. Now, after the early-blooming lilies are fading, the later-blooming ones are just about to open--I tell you, growing things still seem like a friggin' miracle to me.
Brother Frank called with breath-taking news about another, much more precious, growing thing: His older daughter, Maureen, is pregnant at 41. She's vice principal at a high school, a very intelligent, strong person, staunchly pro-peace, and like Alison, a marathon runner. Great excitement in the family. Frank let me call Betty with the news and she immediately called him with congratulations.
Betty said she had tried to total the number of our parents' descendants and got to 100. That seems high to me, although she included those who married in; think I'll try to calculate it myself and we'll compare notes.
Miami Larry also called, to say he wants to come visit sometime next week. We haven't had overnight company since Christmas, so this was very welcome news. Larry is just a travelin' fool; after his cross country sojourn such a short time ago, you'd think he'd be ready to settle in for a while, but no sucha thing. Imagine having that freedom--well, someday, watch for me at your door, blog readers...


EBJ said...

My door is open dear Sis.

Mimi said...

And mine to you, twinnie.

iloveac said...

....and ours too RBM.

I know what you mean about 'growin things'....I've gotten such a thrill watching my 'takes forever flowers to grow' garden. Anything at all popping thru.....makes me happy.

I know and have known so many women who are pg at 40/ used to be uncommon. No longer the case. Maternal/fetal care is amazing with all the high tech available in this 21st century.

100 descendants from just your parents does seem high....recount please. LOL! Prolific people you all are.


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...