Monday, June 25, 2007

Sunday was not a red-letter day. While Pat was at the bay after lunch, I ran over to Acme to pick up a few things. I was just about to check out when the loud speaker paged "the owner of a Buick, license plate number...." Gee, that sounded like my car.
It was. A kid in a pickup truck parked next to me had pulled out, cut it too close, and ripped off my entire front bumper. He wasn't a bad kid, and was very apologetic, as he, his friend, and I waited for the police. In the meantime, kid called his mother, who then said she wanted to talk to me. She asked if I would let her pay for the repair, rather than reporting to the insurance company. I was noncommittal on this, said I'd have to talk to my husband, but want to get general info from Allstate before I agree. (I don't care who pays as long as it gets fixed, but I want to know what ramifications there might be if I go along with not reporting.) The cop was cordial as he wrote out an incident report, then he and the kids actually picked my bumper off the ground and tied it back on. It should be okay until I can get to an auto body shop this morning.
Well, damn, I needed this like a hole in the head, but I guess in the scheme of things, it's just a minor setback and I'm not terribly upset. I'm glad that Pat isn't, either. Just another problem to deal with and think about--(sigh...).
Called from the parking lot to tell Alison; she and Mike were almost finished packing. At home, I called again and asked Mike's advice on the reporting/no reporting question. He discussed some possible considerations and outcomes, and mentioned that my insurance could go up. What?! Yes, the lawmaker politicians allow this, just to keep the insurance billionaires happy. A pox on both their houses.
Ellen called and also commiserated, of course. She's starting on the (teaching) art class that will increase her salary eventually. Well, she's starting to the extent she cleared off her desk (a daughter after my own heart).
Made chicken drumsticks in the crockpot and they were delicious. Decided not to go out after dinner, even though the car is drivable--the motor seems not to be affected at all. Went to bed at my usual time, didn't even think about the car, and slept well.


Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary what a shame about the accident. At least the kid had the guts to report it. He could have just driven away. This would affect both of the insurances. A few years back we were headed to the mall and Bob hit a big rock that was delibertly put there by the owner of the store. It had just snowed and the sun blinded Bob and never realized what he hit until he stopped. He went to court and fought it, The judge ruled in his favor and said they had many claims over that rock. It has since been taken away. I can't see how your insurance is to blame being you were in the store.

iloveac said...

Just another day in paradise,right? I too was impressed the kid didn't just drive off.

Rich isn't here at the moment for me to check this, but I seem to recall him saying it was better to settle it between the parties. I believe your insurance would go up.....your car was in an accident (totally innocent) so the insurance company wants you to pay somehow for whatever they will have to put out.
Totally unfair, but probably legal.
Do something special just for you today.

Mimi said...

Pat and I considered the whole thing and I called my agent (but didn't yet file a claim). He assured me my rate would not go up. I've never filed a claim yet and have a perfect driving record (aside from warnings for speeding a few years ago and failure to get the car inspected last year--la de dah), which I don't think is recorded. Anyway, I got the estimate and tried to get in touch with the woman. If she doesn't get back to me by six, I said, I'd go through Allstate.

iloveac said...

Good. I checked with Rich when he got home. He was a claims adjustor 100 yrs ago and he did not think your rate would go up either.


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...