Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Was thrilled to receive an original work of art yesterday: Very colorful, skillfully drawn portraits of Pat and me. According to an attendant, after the artist executed the picture, she remarked, "Nana and Pop are jelly fish." Yes, it was from darling granddaughter, Vivian, sent by her proud Daddy. We do indeed look like jelly fish in the picture because, as is virtually universal with children of her age, she drew us as globes with facial features, adding single lines extending downward to represent legs. No bodies; they come later. She did put what looks like lumpy ears on one figure--evidence of her remarkable artistry, I'm convinced.
Incredibly, we were again foiled at the dermatologist's office (see May 9 entry). When yesterday's appointment was made, the receptionist failed to ask Pat various questions and to arrange for a script for antibiotics to be taken beforehand. She was chewed out by the doctor and we had to again leave without the procedure. It's rescheduled for next Wednesday.
Luncheon and fashion show today: Decided to drop my stuff for the fashion show off early, so took it to Smithville Inn on my way to the produce place on Jimmie Leeds Road. Later, took Barb H. to the school to register for the "Discovering the Pinelands" two-session course next month. Four of us from the neighborhood are taking it.
Niece Joan called and we had a nice chat. She's still in Leesburg and said lookers were at the house with the realtor. Responding to my invitation, Pat's niece, Donna, sent an e-mail saying she'll be glad to pick up his brother and wife, Bill and Regina, for lunch at our place in June.
Got a nice note from friend Karen C. back in Lawrenceville. Not sure why she didn't send e-mail, but will write her back via snail mail. Will invite her to come for a visit, which she's done before. Karen is about in her early forties--I think--unmarried, and has a master's degree from Rider. She's a casual, but nice, friend, of about 10 years.


Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary you have the patience of a saint. I I had the trouble you had with the Dermatologist I'd be climbing walls. I hope your next visit is successful. How does Pat take this run a round?
I'll bet you'll find a proper place to display your work of art. When my Mom died and I went through her thing, I found she saved almost all our art work from childhood.

EBJ said...

When I die my kids will find all of their art work and MUCH MORE- like their toys,shoes and clothes. Oh and their books and computers ...oh and...I could go on forever.

iloveac said...

That's why I think we should have our blogs published in book format....via

Who's going the publisher that is?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...