Thursday, May 10, 2007

Boscov's had a sale on shoes, and I went over and got summery, open ones to wear for the wedding and fashion show. Being the soul of indecision, I'm now not sure I like them. Will try them on with the outfit.
Stopped at Santori's on the way back for fresh produce--I love the fact that veggies will soon be springing up all over Jersey.
Talked to Muckie and we agreed to meet for lunch on the 25th. She'll come here, then we'll eat at Dockside or Panini Bay.
Dropped off a letter to the unfriendly Friends of the Library expressing my indignation at my treatment of a few weeks ago (see April 25th post). I think it's clear, but reasonably restrained. If anybody wants to read it, let me know and I'll send by e-mail.
Susan is attending a two-day seminar in Toms River (on selling real estate in resort areas), so I excused myself from walking this morning. Will get back in the groove tomorrow.
I'll be going to Weight Watchers shortly. I don't really expect to lose, as it's been only 4 days since I went last, but I'm fine with that. Another neighbor, Jo, will pick up Leslie, Mary, and me.
Getting a perm today. I hope it turns out all right, as I still have some left from the last time. Tomorrow, I'm attending a tree dedication--more on that with the next entry--and meeting Mary Ann Van O. for lunch.


iloveac said...

You are so funny "not sure you like your new shoes"...I know just what you mean tho'.

Yes, I want to see the letter to those library idiots, I mean friends. Maybe you could just post it....or email it.

NJ is the Garden State, but when we would be on the Interstate in Fl heading down to Miami etc back in the days of our CB....we'd hear the truckers refer to it as the "Garbage State"....used to get me so ticked. Of course they called Florida the "Bikini state". NJ did and still does have the best tomotoes in August, I think.

EBJ said...

I want to see the letter too. I love your,"letters of indignation".

iloveac said...

That was a great letter. I can't wait to hear how they respond....and I think they will. Mea culpa etc...BS...they had their chance.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...