Thursday, May 31, 2007

Finally, at long last, Pat got the growth on his arm excised. I wasn't happy over the fact we had to wait a half-hour, but was glad it went without incident. (He's had many of these growths removed.) The doctor prescribed a painkiller, which I got filled, but Pat said he didn't need it. We're to watch it in case it gets infected and, if so, will call.
Just before we left, neighbor Anne Mary came to the door with--ta dah!--Eddie! Who's Eddie? Her miniature poodle, left bereft according to A.M., when his companion, Carlos, died last month. We've all been bugging her to take Eddie out for walks, as he was confined to the house for five years. He had been bought as company for Carlos, who had cancer and was on chemo, so couldn't go out because he was so susceptible to infection. "A good dog is a stuffed dog" is my frequent saying, but even I think Eddie is cute: tiny, pure white, and full of happy-puppy friskiness. I was glad to see him finally out. One of Anne Mary's remarks that speaks volumes was, "I got Eddie a new leash, because I knew the old one would bring back painful memories of Carlos." This is a dog we're talking about, folks. Later, I stopped at Susan's to tell her about Eddie's ground-breaking visit. She and Walter gave me a glass of Turkey Hill diet iced tea with mango. It was so good I went to Acme to buy some, but couldn't find it with mango, so bought diet pink lemonade.
Susan spends an enormous amount of time (and money) on their property, and boy, it shows. Her front and side flower beds are beautiful and she has a large raised area in the back where she has a profusion of flowers and scrubs. She also maintains a rose garden with incredibly lovely plants in white, shades of pink, yellow, salmon, and red. She occasionally hires a landscaper, but does most of the work herself.
At 4:30, Leslie and I drove to Absecon to participate in a peace vigil from 5 to 6. (Dennis usually goes, too, but was exhausted after a full day of work.) A couple were there whose son is in the National Guard and has been deployed to Iraq for the fourth time. The father held a big sign with his son's picture on it and the mother a sign that read "Honk for Peace." It was gratifying to hear so many respond so fully.
Talked to Alison. They had a wonderful time in New Hampshire, although even they found the mountain "very challenging." A. and I made plans to go to dinner and a movie on the 16th and, of course, to the shower for Jen on the tenth. Unfortunately, they'll be in New Mexico on the 30th, so she won't be able to come with me when I take Joely to "Peter Pan" at the Surflight Theatre.
Will leave about 10:30 for Delaware to meet Lynne, but will call Betty first to hear more about Baby Dexter.


Dee's Blog said...

I understand where Anne Mary is coming from. When we lost one of our dogs I had to take everything out of the house that reminded me of him. Dog dish, toys. Rosemary, a pet is part of a family and is a real tragedy when one loses one. I can assure you that I will be a basket case when we lose Buffie. Better not let me catch you laughing at this girl. LOL

Mimi said...

Dee, I didn't mean to sound callous about Anne Mary losing Carlos. When he died, I expressed my sympathy--as all the neighbors did--and I meant it. But now Eddie, the survivor, is the one who needs to have a more appropriate doggy life. I think you'll agree that after all those years of staying in the house as a companian for Carlos, he has a right to go out for walks, run around, and so on. I'm happy to say that Anne Mary seems to be okay with this and has said she'll take him out on the leash regularly.

Mimi said...

I want to clarify further; I didn't mean that I thought it was funny that Anne Mary has sad feelings about Carlos' loss. She said she had gotten a new leasth because EDDIE would have sad memories of Carlos. That seemed a stretch to me.

Dee's Blog said...

I misread that paragraph, yes even I would agree that is pretty far out. She must be a real dog lover to get another companion for Carlos. I would think she had her hands full with one sick dog.

iloveac said...

Gotta tread lightly here. I think dog lovers are a bit us cat lovers are different....not all cats, but my cat was special. LOL!
My friend used to say I anthropomorphasized my cat...found out that meant I spoke of him as being human. Welllll. She did the same thing with her animules.

Rosemary, I understood exactly what you were saying....but my childhood dog Brady was special....uh oh...pat, you're sounding kinda nuts.

I draw the line at sleeping with animals. My brother's dog sleeps half the night with him and the other half with my Sil. I think that's gross and unsanitary....but they don't care. I just hope these folks wash their hands before they prepare food. OK enough of this topic. I'm right and you're not....only kidding folks.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...