Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Lunch for Susan's birthday was great fun. (Her birthday was in March, but who's counting?) We took her to Debra's Dreamboat in the Tuckerton Emporium (where I had gone last week with Mary Jane) and enjoyed it. Barb's birthday is in June and Susan and I will treat her to lunch then.
I gave Susan the carafe of Molloy's Irish Creme and just got an e-mail from her saying how much she and Walter enjoyed it after dinner last night. She suggested I bottle and sell it, then she and Walter could give it to their (real estate) clients as gifts! Hmm...not a bad idea if 1. I wanted to open an business and work--ugh! and 2. I didn't mind being hauled away in chains for selling liquor without a license.
Also gave Judy and Roman K. a bottle. They called after dinner and raved about the stuff. Yes, it is good and yes, it is potent. J. and R. think it's better than Bailey's.
Gave Pat ham left over from Easter (frozen), just frying it in a little olive oil, and I had salmon. Love fish and am beginning to grow gills.
We go to the dermatologist today to have the growth (squamous cell cancer) on Pat's arm removed--I don't anticipate any problems with that.


Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary are you going to share this Molloy Irish Cream or do we have to beg?

Mimi said...

WHAT?!? I don't think it would survive the trip to Mass...oh, you mean the recipe? Sure, I'll run it in the blog tomorrow.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...