Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Fun time at the party yesterday! The "Sweetwater regulars" were there: Frank and Barbara, Susan and Walter, hosts Ray and Barbara, Anne Mary, and us, in addition to the Seagull contingent, Gary and Julie. (Dennis and Leslie were invited, but are still in Cleveland visiting little Leo and family.) I happily indulged in the de-lucious appetizers, including veggie squares, melted brie in a bread "bowl," cheese and crackers, and a wonderful hot cheese/artichoke/bacon dip that Julie brought. Also enjoyed two glasses of beer, but for actual dinner, had only a hot dog sans roll and a small amount of baked beans, and slaw (with cabbage, but not exactly cole slaw). I took a piece of the divine lemon/whipped cream dessert, but had only one bite before giving it to Pat and finishing with fresh fruit salad. Pat and I both had a ball; we still marvel at our good luck in landing here in Sunrise Bay. The party started at 3:00 and didn't break up until 7:30 or so when we went home (about 20 yards away).
In assessing the intake damage, I'm concluding it wasn't a catastrophe. True, I went way over what I should have in the calorie ("points" in WW parlance) department, but what I ate substituted for both lunch and dinner (after breakfast, had only a serving of broccoli about 11:00). When we got home, we had our regular evening snack of popcorn, FF Popsicles and--for me--a glass of wine, but I think that was okay, too.
Don't have anything scheduled for today, so I hope I can get the damn bush out. I haven't done it yet because there are complications too long and boring to go into, but prominently including the fact that the ground is like concrete. I may have to either call a landscaper (they never call back) or ask Alison and/or Mike to come down.
Tomorrow, we go back to the dermatologist with the hope that the growth on Pat's arm can finally be excised. Thursday, I meet Lynne for lunch--yay! Will go to Weight Watchers just to get weighed, then leave for Delaware.


Dee's Blog said...

Sweetwater party sounds wonderful. You are so lucky to be in an enviroment like that. Sounds like you have lived there your entire life. Our area use to be like that until they started to move out and the younger generation moved in. In my youth every day was cause to celebrate something or other.
I don't think you overdid the food at the party. In fact I think you used considerable control. Don't know if I could have passed up all that wonderful food.

iloveac said...

I agree with Dee....sounds to me like you were fine. It was a party and if you deprived yourself, you'd overeat today. You did good Girl.

You do live in a great area...surrounded by people you like. We are in a Navy town primarily and turnover is high. In the house next door the fourth family (in 8 years) is moving in next month. We are one of the longest residents here. Our condo assoc does have some 'socials' in the summer by the pool, but it is just too hot to be out there.

Mimi said...

I understand how lucky we are in landing here (I don't like to write "ending up here" for obvious reasons). I did consciously decide I wanted to make friends, so I joined several groups and also, got to know my neighbors and talked to them, later inviting them for lunch or dinner. This led to going places together, exchanging feelings, and a closeness that just has to grow. Not all environments are adaptable to this, I realize. I also know that sometimes, people might discourage becoming friendly. For instance, I invited our two-doors-down neighbors (the other way from Ray and Barb) three different times for various things. The last time, I had made blueberry pie and thought it would be nice to share it. I invited them (this is a mother my age and her fortyish son) and was told "Oh, we have loads of blueberries ourselves, so no thanks." Now of course, my invitation wasn't about the pie, but about friendship and neighborlyness. That was the 3rd time they had turned an invitation from me down and almost surely, I won't ask them again. My next-door neighbors on the other side from Frank and Barbara are also pretty insular, but they did come to my birthday party; they just don't circulate much otherwise.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...