Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Went to the mall yesterday, then to Borders to finally use the gift card I got for my birthday. Bought Then We Came To The End, a new novel by Joshua Ferris. I rarely read fiction and when I do, it's usually older classics I re-read, so this is an exception. (When I like a book a lot, I re-read every few years.) I read the first chapter on the on-line NYTimes and was hooked because it concerns the world of (office) employment and since that was my field, I'm interested. When I'm finished, will hand in my book report.
I also bought Susan a little picture book on cats. She and Walter will be in San Diego until the 22th, and her birthday (the big 65--wish that had been my last birthday) is the next day. I'm going to ask Barb H. to join me in taking S. out to lunch.
When I got home, Jack B. was here chatting with Pat. Jack is leaving next Tuesday to visit my brother, Larry, in Florida, as he does about every year. They've been friends for SEVENTY YEARS and I have a picture of them when they made their First Communion at St. James. The little twinnies, aged 3, are in the picture, too.
Today, we go to the dermatologist to have Pat's neck (squamous cell cancer growth, which was excised a few months ago), head (Basel cell, for which he applies an ointment), and stomach (some kind of damned rash that just developed lately) checked. If I get home in time and if she's feeling better, I'll then pick up Marge for lunch; otherwise, we'll go on Friday.
Beef tips and potatoes julianne for dinner last night and they were very tasty. No, no, nobody has to be impressed--I just opened some packages, fer cryin' out loud.


iloveac said...

Are you sure you were supposed to open those packages? Weren't supposed to just drop them in boiling water? Smart alleck that I am.

I'm going to try and make chicken soup again in this damm crockpot. Because of your promoting it, I bought one, but it's too small...3 qts. I should have checked with Martha Molloy first.

Mimi said...

I'm not sure how big mine are (I have two), but they're not really large. It's true that they're not big enough for soup. I made pea soup in one of mine and had to add water later bacause it wouldn't all fit. However, the modest sized ones are perfect for just the two of us for something other than soup.

Mimi said...

I'm not sure how big mine are (I have two), but they're not really large. It's true that they're not big enough for soup. I made pea soup in one of mine and had to add water later bacause it wouldn't all fit. However, the modest sized ones are perfect for just the two of us for something other than soup.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...