Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ran a lot of mundane errands yesterday and while I was driving home, the thought occurred to me: Everybody has a secret life. I was actually going to make that the sum total of my entry today: Everybody has a secret life. The more I think of it--and contemplate it--the more I know it's true: Everybody has a secret life.
More later.


iloveac said...

Now, why are you making us wait to hear your hypothesis. I love to use big words even if I use them incorrectly.

I don't think I have a secret life..I'm pretty much an open book...of course there are parts of me I don't even know about ....that old Johari's Window concept...four window panes...on the upper left....things I know about me and YOU TOO know about me.....on the upper right....things I know about me and YOU DON'T know about me.....lower left..things YOU know about me by my non-verbal messages etc....and I DON'T EVEN KNOW about me.....last on the lower right...I guess this is our subconscious....there are things I DON'T know about me and NEITHER do you. So, in that regard I guess we have a secret life...but if it becomes secret is it?
Can't wait to read your thinking on this topic.

Dee's Blog said...

Pat, I'm having trouble longing on to your comments. It gives me a sign up screen and password. When I fill it in, says its wrong. Is anyone else having problems? I also sent Rosemary a comment this morning, hit publish and it never showed up. Isen't this just soooo much fun.LOL


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...