Thursday, March 22, 2007

Joel called last night to give us the news: We're having a new little boy as our next great-grand! They were all there for the sonogram, including Joely, who wanted a brother. Jen's feeling good, Joel starts the new job on Monday, and all is well. I always remember the line in "Gone With The Wind" (love that book, I don't care if it is schlocky, sentimental, and written for the popular market) when Melly says, "The best days are when babies are born." And that's the truth--it's death that stinks, not life.
Jen got a "baby name" book for Christmas and I told Joel I'd send the Social Security site that lists the ten most popular, where individual names are on the frequency of use, and so on. Called Alison to congratulate her, too--and the family grows.
Besides the dermatological items I listed yesterday, Pat has yet another: a growth on his upper left arm that the doctor says is probably also a squamous cell and will have to be removed. He took a biopsy and we'll hear. Today we go to the endocrinologist in Ventnor.
I had been sleeping well lately--until this morning. Woke up at 3:10 am and just couldn't go back. Made the mistake of getting up to play "Wordslinger" on the computer, went back about 5:00 (when I usually get up) and dozed restlessly on and off until I got up for good at the ungodly late hour of 7:15.
P.S. After reading Pat Mc H. R.'s blog and hearing she served spaghetti for dinner, I decided to do the same yesterday. Put meatballs and sauce in the crockpot (it smelled oh, so delicious) and boiled up a generous amount of spaghetti. When I went to pour it in the colander in the sink, it went sideways and more than half went down the drain! I wasn't worried about clogs, as we have a disposal, but that left only enough for Pat and I didn't feel like waiting while more cooked, so I had a meatball sandwich. Actually, that was just as good.


EBJ said...

So happy to hear about the new baby.
Please send me Joel and Jan's email address. When is the due date?

iloveac said...

Glad to know I'm not the only clumsy one. Today I was going to make stewed chicken in the crock pot. Put everything in the pot...poured in 2 cans of FF chicken broth and while cutting up some carrots, I heard this dripping. Thought surely Rich left the water dripping somewhere. OH NO! I'd put the whole sh.bang in the heating part of the pot and there was a hole in the bottom and all the broth poured right out...all over the counter and floor. I was furious and tried hard as I could to find a way to blame Rich. So don't feel bad. And I agree....I LOVED and movie. Congrats on the good news about the baby.

Dee's Blog said...

tHAT IS GREAT NEWS ABOUT YOUR NEW GGrandchild. That is something I will never know, how I envy you folks with precious Grand and GGrand children. I live thru the lives of others. I'm also sorry to hear of Pat's new growth, hope he will be alright. As far as the spaghetti drop, I think that was a real hoot. I have done that so many times I can't count. I finally went and bought a huge collander that fits perfectly in my kitchen sink and cannot tumble.


Busy day. Got my train tickets for Encinitas on line. Finished most of my packing and tidied up a bit. After that, it was a walk to BOA to g...